
continuous stubble Learn more about continuous stubble

  • Crop stubble rotation sequence

    Crop stubble rotation sequence

    Crop stubble rotation sequence

  • The cause of the second stubble of strawberry and its solution

    The cause of the second stubble of strawberry and its solution

    Strawberries face more diseases and insect pests in the growing period. Only by doing a good job in pest management according to different periods can strawberries continue to blossom and bear fruit, otherwise the situation of stubble breaking will be more common. After the first harvest, there are few flowers in the second crop, and some have no fruit.

    2020-11-10 The latest strawberry second stubble decisive stubble cause and solution method
  • Why should mung bean rotation prevent stubble?

    Why should mung bean rotation prevent stubble?

    Why should mung bean rotation prevent stubble? Please introduce the reason why mung bean is not allowed to be cropped continuously. Because continuous cropping has many diseases and insect pests, poor quality, and even inhibit the development of rhizobia due to the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, there is an agricultural proverb that "bean fields are adjusted year after year, and the yield is high year after year." At the same time, mung bean is also an important fertile crop and an excellent cereal.

  • Comprehensive yield-increasing effect of changing stubble in Sesame rotation

    Comprehensive yield-increasing effect of changing stubble in Sesame rotation

    Comprehensive yield-increasing effect of changing stubble in Sesame rotation

  • Requirements for cultivation environmental conditions of watermelon

    Requirements for cultivation environmental conditions of watermelon

    First, the variety selection as a gift watermelon should choose small and exquisite, beautiful appearance, good quality varieties, as the main varieties, single fruit weight should be in the 1-2kg heavy varieties. If the fruit is too big or too small, it will lose the function of a gift. At present, there are mainly Huangshui jade, Xiangyu crystal, flower beauty, Xiangyu black rose, hibiscus honey,.

  • The cause and solution of the second stubble of Strawberry

    The cause and solution of the second stubble of Strawberry

    The cause and solution of the second stubble of Strawberry

  • Three methods of oversummer management of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Three methods of oversummer management of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Spring sowing Pleurotus ostreatus and late winter sowing Pleurotus ostreatus, often harvest 1-2 stubble mushrooms, encounter high temperature can not continue to produce mushrooms. In order to make Pleurotus ostreatus safely oversummer and preserve nutrients, Pleurotus ostreatus continues to produce mushrooms in autumn, and summer management can be carried out. The mycelium block (bag) air-drying method is simple and convenient. Air-dry the mycelium block (bag) without mushroom or only 1 or 2 stubble mushrooms (the bag without mushroom need not be opened) and place it in a cool and ventilated place. If you put it outdoors, add mulch to prevent rain, moisture and mildew. After the temperature drops in September, soak the mycelium (bag) in the pool to make

  • Comprehensive measures to slow down the continuous cropping of soybean

    Comprehensive measures to slow down the continuous cropping of soybean

    In order to reduce the yield loss of continuous cropping to the minimum, we should avoid planting soybean in continuous cropping as far as possible, adhere to reasonable rotation, reduce continuous cropping and control continuous cropping. In the long run, the continuous cropping area of soybean should not be expanded indefinitely to avoid the decline of soil production capacity and the vicious circle. In the case of continuous cropping is inevitable, first arrange to meet the stubble planting, do not open the continuous cropping arrangement, and the continuous cropping can not exceed two years. In view of the reasons for the yield reduction of continuous cropping, we should focus on the regulation of nutrition and the control of diseases and insect pests.

  • Planting a pot of garlic seedlings in autumn can grow a foot high in ten days, eat several stubbles and harvest garlic.

    Planting a pot of garlic seedlings in autumn can grow a foot high in ten days, eat several stubbles and harvest garlic.

    Many friends often ask, in autumn, want to grow their own vegetables, what vegetables are good, they are not very good at growing vegetables, are there any very simple dishes, then Xiaoya recommends garlic seedlings, leeks, small green lettuce, lettuce and so on, because they do not need skills.

  • Beijing: "Xiang Qian Onion" is 60% cheaper than last year


    Beijing: "Xiang Qian Onion" is 60% cheaper than last year

  • Occurrence and control measures of yellow leaf disease of beer

    Occurrence and control measures of yellow leaf disease of beer

    In recent years, the ten diseases of beer in Huanghuakou are becoming more and more serious in northern Jiangsu, which often leads to the decline of yield and quality, and even serious seedling death in some areas. From 1992 to 1995, the author investigated the tissue of 1466.7 and 1866.7 hectares of two-rowed barley planted in the coastal reclamation area of northern Jiangsu Province and carried out the planting experiment of disease-resistant varieties, and analyzed the relationship between the epidemic of yellow leaf disease and variety, sowing date, cultivation, climate and other factors. it is reported as follows: 1 the main factors affecting the occurrence of malt yellow leaf disease.

  • Lesser Cold does a good job in the seedling management of early spring stubble in season.

    Lesser Cold does a good job in the seedling management of early spring stubble in season.

    Lesser Cold does a good job in the seedling management of early spring stubble in season.

  • It is the key to lay a good foundation for high yield of winter and spring wheat.

    It is the key to lay a good foundation for high yield of winter and spring wheat.

    Henan Province is a major province of wheat production. in recent years, the state and province have issued a series of policies to benefit farmers to support the development of wheat production, so that the agricultural production conditions of our province have been greatly improved and the production level has been continuously improved. the total yield and per unit yield of wheat have reached an all-time high for five consecutive years. In 2007, the sown area of wheat reached 75.66 million mu.

  • Cutting stubble Regeneration cultivation technique of eggplant Seedling

    Cutting stubble Regeneration cultivation technique of eggplant Seedling

    Through many years' practice, it has been proved that eggplant seedling stubble regeneration cultivation is an effective measure to increase yield, reduce production cost, increase economic benefit and adjust eggplant off-peak season. 1. In the period of stubble, the price of eggplant is high and the yield is low in spring and autumn, and the period of high yield and low price is in the middle of summer. Therefore, the midsummer is the best time to cut stubble of eggplant seedlings. In addition, eggplant has main root eggplant, door eggplant, four sides of eggplant fruit growth is large and fat, eggplant seedling upper eggplant fruit.

  • Tomato planting method and time

    Tomato planting method and time

    Soaking seeds to promote germination: tomato seeds can be soaked in warm water to improve the germination rate. Sowing and planting: sow seeds in a suitable environment and wait for the seedlings to grow to 2-3 true leaves. Late management: timely ploughing and weeding, reasonable application of fertilizer, timely watering and setting up

    2020-11-08 Tomato planting method and time summary seed soaking sprouting
  • Causes and Control measures of continuous cropping Disease in Orchard

    Causes and Control measures of continuous cropping Disease in Orchard

    The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is the most important link in orchard cultivation, and the common weekly disease in orchard is heavy stubble disease, which refers to the same piece of land, and then continue to cultivate the same kind of fruit trees after the cultivation of fruit trees. as a result, the growth of replanted fruit trees is restrained or diseases and pests are restrained.

    2020-11-10 The latest orchard continuous cropping disease causes and control measures in
  • How to treat vegetable continuous cropping disease

    How to treat vegetable continuous cropping disease

    The development of greenhouse production has brought obvious economic benefits to farmers, but after the greenhouse has been used for many years, all kinds of diseases, especially soil-borne diseases, have become increasingly serious, which has become a problem that must be paid attention to in greenhouse vegetable production. Comprehensive measures should be adopted to solve the continuous stubble disease.

    2020-11-08 Vegetables continuous cropping diseases how treatment greenhouse production development
  • Protected cultivation techniques of thin-skinned muskmelon (Ⅰ)

    Protected cultivation techniques of thin-skinned muskmelon (Ⅰ)

    Protected cultivation techniques of thin-skinned muskmelon (Ⅰ)

  • What should we pay attention to in the cultivation of Angelica sinensis with plastic film mulching?

    What should we pay attention to in the cultivation of Angelica sinensis with plastic film mulching?

    What should we pay attention to in the cultivation of Angelica sinensis with plastic film mulching? Please give guidance on plastic film mulching cultivation of Angelica sinensis should pay attention to the following points: 1. Select stubble land. The Eryin terraced field with rich and loose, deep soil layer and high content of organic matter was selected. It is better to use wheat stubble and avoid continuous cropping. The previous stubble ploughed deeply, combined with cultivated land before sowing, fertilized and ridged. ...

  • Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of soybean

    Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of soybean

    First, stubble selection: it is better to choose wheat, corn, potato and melon stubble with good drainage, adequate fertilization and fertile soil. If there is no continuous stubble or sunflower stubble, the yield will be reduced by 21.3%. Second, soil preparation and fertilization: it is best to turn soil preparation and fertilization in autumn, which is conducive to preserving soil moisture and freezing insect eggs. Ruochun soil preparation must be carried out in the top slurry period. When preparing the soil, we should apply more than 2 cubic meters of high-quality farm manure per mu according to the soil fertility, mix 10Kg with diammonium and 5Kg with potassium sulfate, and apply as base fertilizer before ridging. Seed dressing with insecticides: for the control of underground pests, available
